

4-H Backwards Beekeepers win awards

Christopher, Alek, Asa, Sarah, Rachel, and Lucia with their leader, Steven Rosales

LA Backwards Beekeeper Roberta writes:

Steven (a Backwards Beekeeper in Torrance) has started a new year with some young beekeepers in the Palos Verdes Peninsula 4-H Club. They've been doing hive inspections and learning more about feral bees. I hope to join them soon and meet this new group which includes Teen Leader Rachel, Junior Leader Lucia, Sara, Christopher, Alek, Asa and Sarah.

They did a great job last year, and their hard work paid off with Lily being named County Winner and Lucia a Silver Medalist in the 4-H County Awards! Rachel won a "Best in Show" trophy for her Bee Poster. And last April, the Bee Project members collectively won the Club Trophy for their 4-H Club at the San Gabriel Valley 4-H Fair.


The easiest kind of swarm capture.

This hive was empty a week ago.

If you've got all your gear but no bees, be sure to leave an empty hive box (with top & bottom boards and frames) wherever you'd like your hive to be. If you're lucky, a passing swarm may move in.

Here in Southern California (and in any mild climate), bees may find you at any time; I went out to our yard today and was happy to find a new hive all set up and running. Free bees with no work whatsoever!

If your hive box and frames are new, it helps to have some starter strips with wax in the frames; here's a video on how to do this. A bit of lemongrass oil on a cotton ball is a good lure as well.